Sunday, September 1, 2013

Big lots haul

Big Lots is a store that takes close out items and sells them for cheap! Here are a couple things I bought and am pretty proud of! 

I don't know about you guys, but I am addicted to Youtube! I watch so many beauty Guru's and soooo many take the Colgate Wisps in their travel bags. 

Sorry, but I don't want to spend $3 on 4 little tooth freshening things that I'll just throw away. BUT I will spend $0.80 to try them out! Especially, if they come so well recommended. Let me know if you guys like using this Wisps and if they're worth the $3 or if I should stock up at Big Lots!

I've also have seen a lot of Guru's talking about these types of face masks. This mask is made in Korea, supposedly has green tea and botanical extracts according to the package...
Youtube guru
Bubzbeauty: uses a much more expensive mask on her video. 

I guess it's supposed to be something like this, found that on Amazon for a little over $1 each. Pretty good price, but not as good as 60 cents!!! 

I'll update you guys on how it goes. I'm excited to try! 

I'm thinking about doing more save or splurge posts from the items I find. What do you think? Is that something you'd be interested in reading about?

Keep Shopping! Keep Saving!